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Filtered results from Intella Blog: Mobile

e-discovery software

Are Today's Cameras Cybersecure? 10 Tips to Avoid Camera Hacking

Computer webcams, home security systems, and baby and pet monitors allow us to stay connected 24/7. These camera-enabled devices allow us to video chat with family members and work contacts and keep tabs on the safety of our homes, pets, and children with ease. But all this connectivity opens us up to some serious vulnerabilities. Cyber hackers can gain access to some of our most intimate moments if we don't take the proper precautions. Thankfully, there are ways to protect ourselves-beyond covering your…

e-discovery software

Hold the Phone: What You Should Know About Mobile Device Forensics

Tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices aren't exactly novelties. Nine in 10 Americans own a cell phone, half of which are smartphones. With all that capability right at our fingers, these devices have created new legal challenges. Digital forensic examiners have experienced an uptick in requests to examine mobile device data, but finalizing search guidelines is complicated. Why? Because technology - especially in the realm of mobile devices - changes rapidly and regularly. Not only are there a lar…