Intella Connect is a web-enabled browser based review platform that allows multiple reviewers to simultaneously work on a matter. It has an intuitive workflow that helps reviewers of all levels get the job done.
Key features of Intella Connect
Connect is a web-based processing and review platform developed for Collaborative Review. It is designed to give the user all of the functionality required to complete their discovery matters from start to finish. Connect can ingest and export several different load file formats. It has all of the search and filtering capability that our desktop product Intella has. The main features, such as Batching and coding, Predictive coding and Customised reporting make it feature completive with other leading platforms.
Various Load File Formats
Predictive Coding
Batching & Coding
Collaborative Review
Redaction Features
Customised Reporting
Intella Connect Versions
With little to no impact to an organization’s IT infrastructure, set up of Intella Connect Plus remains at or under 30 minutes with no installation or download required by reviewers.
Using Intella Connect and Connect Plus
Predictive Coding
As litigation teams are distinctly aware, only small percentages of documents within much larger datasets meet the legal criteria of relevance, and require production to opposing parties. Intella's Predictive Coding functionality, seamlessly integrated within Connect's dedicated review interface, provides reviewers with the ability to both identify relevant documents quickly, and prioritize their presentation to human reviewers via an intelligently-updating review queue. As a result, reviewers can quickly train Connect's Predictive Coding model to identify relevant documents based on human input, and then apply rigorous statistical criteria in order to measure the model's accuracy and performance. Ultimately, the model can be applied to the remaining, unreviewed documents, thus "predicting" their relevance coding based on the now-validated model.
Intella's Predictive Coding functionality can also assist in identifying and resolving inconsistencies in human coding decisions. For example, if a document's predicted relevance is ranked very high by the algorithm, but was coded by a human as not relevant, it could indicate a simple input error on the part of the reviewer. In this way, Intella's Predictive Coding engine provides a significant contribution to document coding accuracy and consistency vs. linear review, in addition to its other enhancements to the document review process.
Remote Access
Setup is straight forward and only takes approximately 30 minutes to be up and running. Reviewers do not need a license, dongle or any other software installed on their systems to access and work on cases.
Early Case Assessment
Batching & Coding
Load File Support
Email Threading
Intella Connect and Connect Plus are ideal for
Intella Connect or Connect Plus are software applications that allow reviewers to collectively search ESI processed with Intella utilizing most commonly available web browsers.
Consultants who allow clients remote access to review a case
Organizations with multiple or remote locations who investigate and review the same case
Multiple departments and review teams that need to jointly review the same case
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REQUEST DEMOOther Vound software products
Vound has you covered, from Triage to the Court Room. All Intella products can process ESI, search metadata and content, filter by a range of criteria and produce most standard load file formats.