Email Search Software
Smarter Email Forensic Search with Intella®
Intella's comprehensive email forensic search conquers today's vast data volume.
Intella enables you to forensically acquire data across a comprehensive array of sources. Whether you are investigating cloud sources, corporate exchange servers, laptops, desktops, or cellphones, Intella enables you to slice through the data at world class speed.
Whether single investigators or collaborating with multiple teams, investigating lone or multiple custodians, Intella empowers more teams to do more, faster. Intella TEAM enables geographically dispersed teams to capture metadata surrounding email, visually illustrate social networks and empower many to quickly drill into the who, what, where and when of your investigation.
The investigation doesn't end with search. Make your data actionable and progress your case efficiently with a wide variety of co-investigators. With Intella’s enhanced reporting features, you can export your email specific investigation into a multitude of desired formats including PDF, JPGT, HTML, CSV, native formats and load files.
What customers are saying about Intella
“With Intella, we sliced and diced through 12 GB of email like a hot knife through butter; visually displaying responsive results immediately as search terms were entered.”
Alan J. Risk3 Consulting LimitedIntella is the email forensic search platform of choice for organizations across the globe,
and easily scales to your organization’s size and caseload requirements - at a fraction of the cost of other email forensic search tools.

Powerful indexing of all kinds of email data sources
Intella is widely regarded by investigators across industries as the best in class email review tool for its powerful and comprehensive indexing of email data sources. These sources include (but are not limited to): Microsoft Outlook PST/OST, Versions: 97, 98, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016; Microsoft Outlook Express DBX, MBX, Versions: 4, 5 and 6; Microsoft Exchange EDB files, Versions: 2003, 2007 and 2010; IBM Notes NSF (formerly known as Lotus Notes or IBM Lotus Notes; Mbox; Saved emails (.eml, .msg); Apple Mail (.emlx); TNEF-encoded files (“winmail.dat” files); and Bloomberg XML dumps.
Rendering native view of emails
Get beyond pure text tools. With Intella, investigators seamlessly capture email data in two variants, in both pure and rich text, enabling reviewers with the ability to process email as it appears in the native client and ensuring the most comprehensive review of your data source are captured, including inline images and other graphic alterations.

Visualizes social interactions, date ranges and geographic origins
Intella powerfully combines key social, history, and geographic facets, enabling investigators to quickly and effectively visualize the most pertinent combination of information needed: communication and distribution timelines, date time and location origin of communications, as well as volume. Investigators swiftly ascertain relationships and drill down with incredible ease through Intella’s interface.
As data volumes increase exponentially, Intella empowers forensic investigators to tackle the most data sources, more efficiently than any other product on the market.
ESI is accumulating rapidly. Recent surveys estimate organizations store a mean of 49.3 gigabytes of just email data per user, and that total messaging-related storage during the previous 12 months had increased a mean of 18 percent. Based on even this relatively modest rate of growth, 49.3 gigabytes in 2016 will increase to 133 gigabytes over just six years.
We are big proponents of use “the right tool” for the right job, and when that job entails PST email processing you owe it to yourself to look at Intella. Matthew S., Founder and Chief Software Architect, F-Response
The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Require Your Organization to be Faster
The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP), first established in 1938, provide the basic ground rules for civil litigation in the United States. The rules were updated significantly in 2006, most notably to codify the concept of ESI.
The result of the 2015 changes to the FRCP are shorter and more limited discovery periods, the requirement to be better prepared for eDiscovery quickly once the litigation process starts, and attorneys must be ready to address claims and proportionality issues in the context of eDiscovery.
What customers are saying about Intella
“If you need to quickly provide answers from a mountain of email and data, then Intella is a must have visual analysis and reporting tool.”
Mitchell I. DanfossCase studies: Intella in action
Search email by dates
Watch how easy it is to use Intella to filter and search an email file within specific dates.
Are you ready to Discover smarter ?
Innovative, powerful, and simple - exactly the tools you need to conquer today's data challenges and deliver world class results. Find out for yourself the simplicity, power and accuracy of Intella. Vound will be pleased to provide a fully functional, time-limited evaluation copy of Intella to qualified individuals.